
Avoid acid forming foods which deplete calcium from the bones. This includes foods that are high in sugar, refined grains, soda pop drinks, red meat, dairy products, high salt intake, and too much cooked foods.

Consume old fashioned oatmeal (slow cooking) as it contains high amounts of silica which maintains strong bones.

Consume foods which are high in calcium such as: parsley, green leafy vegetables (spinach should only be eaten raw), kale, watercress, Chinese cabbage, molasses, broccoli, dulse and nori, beans, whole grains such as barley. Whole grains are best soaked overnight before cooking, as this will help to reduce phytic acid which binds calcium.

Walk outside daily in the sunlight to get vitamin D and increase calcium absorption.

Have wheat germ, millet, oats, rye, broccoli, barley, almonds, cashews, beans, dried seaweeds, which are all excellent sources of magnesium, and important mineral in bone formation.

Figs contain calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in a near perfect balance for bone formation.

Avoid coffee.

Sweet potatoes help regulate calcium absorption.

Add nutritional yeast to soups and salads for its’ folic acid and pyridoxine (B6) content. These nutrients convert toxins which affect bone formation, to non-toxic substances.

Essential fatty acids found in walnuts, almonds, and flaxseeds are important for healthy bones.

In addition to cardiovascular exercise, undertake regular weight-bearing exercise for building bone mass.

Don’t smoke or expose yourself to second-hand smoke, as smoke makes bones brittle and weak.

Note: Ounce for ounce, kale contains more calcium than milk, and the calcium is more absorbable by the body. Calcium from kale is easily assimilated, making it a wonder food to protect against osteoporosis.